Professional Services
In providing a multi site childcare facility for the last 20 years, we've learned a few things! We can offer help and guidance as well as practical support to small businesses, charities and the self employed. We have a lot of training and qualifications between us - from Accountancy to Adoption Support, from Mentoring to Management - and we'd like to share our skills & expertise to help other small businesses.
Business in a Box - we have developed an infrastructure which will enable anyone to open a Breakfast, After School or Holiday Club setting with every procedure, form and policy already complete, we call in our 'Business in a Box' and it literally arrives already arranged into files and folders in a box ready to be put into practice. It would be equally suitable for someone wanting to refresh and existing settings policy and practice. Everything is prepared for you - from how to file accident forms so they can be reviewed monthly for H&S and Safeguarding requirements to the forms and folders to make it happen. We'll even give you some Activity Planners & Instructions too, so the 'To Do' list in your first weeks of business will be kept to a minimum. We personalise it for your setting with your logo. You can opt in for annual updates, for activity planners & instructions, regular mentoring with our Early Years Professional, Business Manager or Finance Manager and add in any of our other services for a fixed monthly amount. Never feel that you are alone in your new business venture - we'll be there for you until you're ready to go it alone. Click here for more information about our Business in a Box.
Starting at £995 for the complete box.
HR Services - we can do your employees Mentoring sessions, Supervisions, Appraisals and Disciplinary meetings for you or we can guide and support you through difficult discussions including Safeguarding and Disciplinary procedures. Often grievance, disciplinary or appeal procedures are more effective with a neutral person involved. We can do this online or over the phone. Click here for more information about our HR services.​
£60 per hour.
Mentoring. We offer mentoring sessions online or on the phone by the hour. We cover Business Start-up, Becoming Sustainable, Recruitment, HR responsibilities (including Disciplinary), Ofsted Compliance, Advertising and Going Paper Free. As a Small Business Owner, sometimes you can feel that you don't know who to turn to for solid support and advice - we have been through all sorts of difficulties, but we have learned and are here to help you through it all. We'll liaise with you initially to identify the structure of your session and how many sessions you're likely to need. Click here for more information about our mentoring programs
£60 per hour.
Ofsted Support- worried about Ofsted? We'll come and do training with your team about how to prepare for and get through an inspection successfully, then we'll come and do a Mock-Ofsted inspection - giving you the chance to remedy any issues before the big day. Having an external pair of eyes on your setting will give you genuine insight into how your Club is viewed and shows your commitment to objective self evaluation. Click here for more information about our 'Mocksted' services.
from £395 depending on location.
Practical Support - often running a small business means you're having to do lots of different roles - from checking invoices are correct, ratios will be maintained during staff absence and ensuring your latest insurance certificate is up on the wall! Between all of that, you may find that innovative activity planning, designing forms that meet legislative requirements and getting supervisions done takes more time than you have hours. We can help! We have activity planners you can hand out to parents for upcoming holidays and then detailed instruction booklets that you can work from on site, complete with shopping list and feedback forms. We have a bank of forms that we can personalise with your logo for you - from our Recruitment Pack, Induction Pack, Supervision & Appraisal Pack to Self Evaluation and Risk Assessment. Click here for more information about our HR services.
£60 per pack.​